Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I register my child for an organized sport?

All registrations are online. Links will be provided to take you into the registration process.

Can I register late and is there an extra charge?

Yes you can register late, however, most sports cannot accommodate late registrations. Late registrations are at the discretion of the Director and or Convener for the sport you are registering. There is no guarantee your child will be placed on an East St Paul team. The ESPCC refund policy does not apply to late registrations with the exception of a medical condition.

I've registered my child now what do I do?

Once teams are formed you will be contacted by your child's coach and more information will be given.

I haven't heard from the coach, can I contact them?

Once registration has closed and the team formation has taken place and coaches are in place coaches then receive their team lists. This process can take up to 2 weeks. We understand parents are anxious to receive schedules we ask for your patience as everyone is volunteering their time.

Are there any additional payments that need to be made for my child to be on a team?

Depending on the sport there can be additional costs. Extras like ice or field time and tournaments come at an extra cost. This is something you can discuss with your coach or team manager.

Who do I contact to rent the Social Hall in the arena?

The community centre does not book the hall rentals. The building is owned and operated by the RM of East St Paul and the book all hall rentals. Please call the RM of East St Paul's Recreational Programmer at 204-391-1367

Do you have a lost and found?

The East St Paul Arena has a lost and found box located in the arena lobby across from the canteen. The lost and found is emptied at Christmas break and March break. Any items lost at the Baseball and Soccer complex may be found at the canteen. The lost and found is emptied at the completion of the season.

Upcoming Events

Mar. 31, 2025 12:00 AM to 11:30 PM

Lacrosse Registration Closes

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Mar. 31, 2025

2025 u9 to u18 Outdoor Soccer Registration closes

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